A Recap of My Year in Blogging: 2021

This year has been interesting to say the least. It’s had its ups and downs. I have made my fair share of mistakes and failures. I have had embarrassing moments. But in the end I made it through and I can say this. I am a different person from when I started this year. I am going into this new year with a new perspective and new lessons that I will take with me. That’s why I love new years. Its a time that you can changed and learn new things.

Blog about What you Want

I have learned that you can build your audience and you can blog about what you want. Their is nothing wrong with staying within a niche but if you don’t want to its okay. You don’t have to know everything about blogging when you first start, its okay to make mistakes. I feel like sometimes we are too hard on ourselves and expect ourselves to have everything perfect but that is not realistic you will make mistakes and you will not have everything be perfect. Its okay just simply learn from your mistakes and move on.

Mind Your Own Businesses

I have seen many people online get involved in others life’s and business but their comes a time it crosses the line. I have seen some people talk in directs about other bloggers. Usually when this happens other bloggers jump in the conversation and just start talking bad about other people behind their back. In my life I was taught if you have a problem with someone you try to talk/communicate with the person instead of talking about them behind their backs. Also, why are you excited and happy to talk bad about someone else behind their back. When I have seen this conversations online either I mute the person, unfollow, or just simply ignore the post/conversations. I don’t have time for drama. I simply see what is happening and I learn from others mistakes.

Watch Your Grammar

Yes, I had a blog post about this earlier in the year but this lessons as has stayed with me. Personally I have made the mistake of letting my anxiety get the best of me and I will type, write, and post with many typos. It just doesn’t look good. Especially if you are trying to express yourself and you have ton of typos, fragments, misspelling etc. I have embarrassed about many post and things I have written earlier this year but I now have learned my lesson and moved on. Now when I post I will read each post multiple times and if I make an error I will simply delete and repost.

Be Careful Who you Connect With

Their are many nice people I have met online but their are some interesting people I have met. Since joining the online blogging community have had to disconnect from some people and others I have just connect with and I am happy to have met them. Be careful because some people are just not someone you should connect with. I connect with someone earlier this year and they got a little to comfortable with me and started communicate with me daily and simply thought they could tell me what to do and even would take my blogging ideas and write their own blog post about it and try to make it seem like their blog post was better then mine. I look back at it and see how this person used sweet emojis and knew how to talk to someone to try make them comfortable online to talk to them. I realized now that I am not that desperate for a friend and don’t connect with everyone online be careful.

What lessons have you learned this year 2021?

Message me on Social media (@headphonesthoughts) (@headphonesTblog) and/or email me @ contact@headphonesthoughts.com

Whatever life takes you, just enjoy your life. Think positive and be positive.

–Always look to the rising sky

Read my quote or thought of the week series

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About the author

I hope you enjoy reading my blog and this journey through my headphonesthoughts each day.


  1. I am with you on this! Every new year is full of new lessons that for some reason we have to take.
    My biggest lesson this year was that if I never liked something probably I never will and there is no point wasting my time having the misbelief I might like it one day.

  2. Good things to think about! I’m trying to get more consistent and network more with other bloggers so I’ll keep this in mind for the new year!

  3. These are great points, especially the first one- blogging about what you want. There used to be times that I told myself I couldn’t write about something because it wasn’t specific to my niche. But I found when I write about what I’m passionate about, I write better and it attracts more readers! Thanks for sharing!!

  4. One of my concerns with starting a blog and YouTube Channel was strangers! I post to my personal pages but I keep my friends and followers close and small. So it was a big stretch to now make things public. Thanks for the reminder to be aware.

  5. Have you considered getting a grammar and spell check extension for your browser, like Grammarly or ProWritingAid? I used to use the former but now I use the latter as it’s more reliable with WordPress. I couldn’t blog without it, my dyslexia makes accurate writing extremely difficult

  6. These are really important points to keep in mind. Staying away from unnecessary drama is definitely important. Writing and sharing our blogs with others is worth doing with those who want to be a part of what we share. I really like what you shared in this post that you learned this year. Thank you for sharing this post.☺️

    Pastor Natalie

  7. Life lessons learned are sometimes difficult to look back on but are so important for our personal growth. I have enjoyed reading your blog this year. In my first year blogging, I have learned many lessons myself. One major one is be consistent. I use this in other areas of my life and it applies in blogging as well. In order to improve, I have to write consistently, usually I try to write something every day.

  8. I totally agree with all your lessons, especially the one on grammar and being careful about connecting with the people. My learning from this year is to take a break when I feel tired and stressful. After all, that is why I started blogging. Time for self and family can be very refreshing to come to the blog with more energy. I also have been participating in more events for creators because of these breaks.

  9. These are some great points as well as lessons learned it sounds like in the past year. It sounds like you’re going into 2022 with a strong purpose with your blog! Best of luck for the upcoming year.

  10. These are fantastic points, & practices…we don’t have to agree with everyone but respect shouldn’t be that hard…I love the grammar one, my youngest is the grammar police…she always lets me know if I am out left field somewhere…Wishing you a great 2022 but it appears you have it solidly grounded..

  11. This year was definitely a year full of life lessons! I personally agree with the “blog about what you want”, I often feel discouraged and think about what other people will think about, but in the end what matters is what I feel and think about my blogs. Thanks for sharing x

  12. Such great advice. I love the blog what you want. So many experts preach niche, which is important but not as important as loving what you write about.

    I have learned to appreciate the small moments every day. Slow down and really enjoy a little moment each day.

  13. Life, good or bad, comes to teach us lessons. The last 2 years have been rough for many families. But as you said, we should think positive and be positive. I agree when you caution ⚠️ us be be careful who you connect with. I have experience bloggers come on my site, steal my recipe ideas and never gave you credit for it. But l am glad I do this for fun. Keep inspiring the world headphonethoughts.

  14. These are all great lessons some of which I’ve experienced myself, and some that I hadn’t. One lesson I’ve learned is to find your own community on social media who will support you as not everyone will. Thanks for sharing.

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