Top Video Games That Were Made Into Movies

Video games have been a top entertainment source for millions of people around the world. With complex stories, well-developed characters, and engaging adventures, it’s no wonder several games have been made into movies. Fans have been eagerly anticipating film adaptations of several titles like Grand Theft Auto and Skyrim.

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Looking At The Increasingly Digital-Locked Future Of Gaming

The world of gaming continues to be increasingly big business, with the crossover appeal bigger than ever thanks to things like the Super Mario Bros Movie. However, with the increasing success of the space also comes and increased desire for growth form the company. That, combined with an increasing amount of gamers who download their games from one of the many storefronts, some are beginning to be concerned that we’re moving towards a space where physical games are less and less common, and more consoles and gaming spaces move to a digital-only space.

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