I am honored to say that my blog post is featured on MCWEN blog.

Minority Christian Women Entrepreneurs Network (MCWEN) is a thriving community for women who have an interest in entrepreneurship and business ownership. Using the Proverbs 31 woman as a model, MCWEN seeks to support women to become impact-ful and positively influential women in their homes, community, and at work.
Below you will find my article. Please read and enjoy!
What Does God Think of You?
With social media, television, photoshop, among other things, so many of us have an image of what we believe we are supposed to look like, talk like, and be like. But how many of us wonder what does God want us to do? Personally, for me this year I feel like I have been pondering on this much. For many years many people would tell me, I talk too much, I should wear my hair like this. I felt the need to constantly be people pleasing. Every time I went out, my mind would be telling me make sure you smile, your nice, and make sure everyone is happy. I cared so much about what others thought of me, I became a people pleaser. Without realizing it I was not speaking up much if something was bothering me, I would just agree. Sometimes when feeling under pressure and scared to maybe disagree with someone we just sometimes can just not say anything. Also, sometimes we can say little. Where we go, talk to people, or post on social media and get excited to talk about something negative. We have to say our opinion on a subject. Either way, are we really thinking about how we are ambassadors of Christ. When we are talking to someone and if the conversation begins to speak about something that is not right or negative, will we speak up and say, “I don’t really want to talk about that”? Maybe encourage each other in things that are Godly and positive. Remember we are ambassadors for Christ and that we represent Him wherever we are. We must remember when we are speaking and/or posting online we are representing God. As the Bible says
1 John 2:6, NIV: “Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.” 1 John 2:6, ESV: “whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked.”
Remember next time you want to talk bad about someone and/or somethings and/or post on social media you are representing Christ. Don’t just agree to things and/or not think before doing anything without asking the Lord for his guidance and will in your life.
Whatever life takes you, just enjoy your life. Think positive and be positive.
–Always look to the rising sky