Regretting what you said

Do you every think about what you said and your like, “Oh no why did I say that!” Let’s be real it happens to all of us. We see it all in our minds like a movie coming back to life. We see ourselves in the conversation. We start screaming or yelling at ourselves, “Don’t Say it!” But we know in reality we did say it. We can’t go back in time. Yes, it can be hard. It may even sting like bee every time it comes to mind but know you are in control of your mind. Yes, it’s happened, yes there may be consequences for what was done but you know it happened and you learned from it. Now you know what not to say the next time. We are all human we make mistakes. I know plenty of times I said too much and it was wrong. I have looked back to moments such as these and thought to myself I have learned something new. Everyday take the little negative things and turn them into something positive.
-Always look to the rising sky

About the author

I hope you enjoy reading my blog and this journey through my headphonesthoughts each day.

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