cardboard gift box with postcard on table

Thank You, Simone Biles

Simone Biles made the brave choice to not compete in some of the Olympic gymnastics. She made this choice for her mental health.

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aetobatus narinari cartilaginous fish swimming underwater of blue sea

Its Okay to Leave

If someone or something is not giving you peace, its okay to leave.

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glad multiethnic women making video call with smartphone

Pet Peeve: Half Listeners

Do you ever feel like you are not truly being heard. For me, Yes!

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What is your Favorite Quote?

Currently, I am working on a series on my blog, about quotes for the month of March 2021. Please email me at or DM your answers and I would be honored to feature your answers on my blog series, “Quotes That Speak to Us”

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pensive young stylish lady standing near wall and looking down

Erase The Past From Your Mind

Sometimes that statement can be seen as easier said then done. Yes, there are memories to keep. Lessons to remember, so that you don’t…

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ethnic man sitting with dog on bench

Four Thoughts To Have Everyday

Our own minds can be a playground for good memories, bad memories, positive thoughts, negative thoughts, or just a blank statement. To encourage my followers and readers, I want you to know that having a positive mindset can change and turn around your day.

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What A Year 2020 Has Been! Here We Go 2021!

This year has been truly an adventure. With life here in America starting the year 2020 one way and ending in a different path. Holidays, family gathers, work life, school, everything has been changed. Many changes this year. When I think about the beginning of this year, I can’t believe that this is the way we are ending the year. All, I can do is hope for a new and better year. I wish everyone a Happy New Year 2021! We are in it together!

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lightning strikes

Why so Rude?

I guess life just doesn’t always go as planned? There have been many times that I tried to show kindness, smiled, opened the door, patience, etc. And let me tell you the other person was so rude and mean, I was sometimes left so shocked at home someone could just be so miserable. From speaking terms, I believe that many people just show, act, speak, think from their heart. If they are just angry people, they will just show it.

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Approaching Situations

What does it mean to approach, react, and handle situations? Is this something we think about or is it something that we hand over to God?

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I Got Featured On the MCWEN Blog!

I am honored to say that my blog post is featured on MCWEN blog.

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