No one is always happy, always joyful, and always perfect. We all have moments in life where we feel sad. Sadness can sometimes feel like a season. It’s something that feels like it’s going to last forever. In reality, it won’t. It could start with going through something and constantly feeling like everything you do to change the situation or change who you are feeling hopeless. All of your efforts are for nothing. I know how this feels. Personally, I have had seasons in my life where all I feel is sadness. I feel like why is nothing getting better. I feel like I realized what I did wrong, apologized, read books, talked to people, and did everything in my power to change for the better, but somehow it feels like the outcome is always the same. Sometime in life, things will happen. We have no control over the good and the bad, but it won’t always last. I believe that we will have times and seasons in life where we will be happy and joyful again. We will be able to forgive and let go of the past. Something I personally have struggled with is forgiving people who did something wrong to me, and I have to keep telling them what they did wrong. People don’t ever really see what they did wrong, and it takes something horrible happening to them for them to then see something wrong. There have been a few people in my life whom I have struggled with forgiving and not holding a grudge against them. It can feel like they have a power trip by mistreating you or that they have always been this way and don’t see anything wrong with their behavior. I know this is hard when it is family and friends. We truly can’t pick our family. It can seem hard. But it is a personal choice to say I will not react and handle and approach the situation the same and I will keep growing and learning. It’s good to learn to not mirror their behavior. I have peace about most situations because I know at the end of the day I was kind and respectful and they chose to act childish and immature. Sad seasons and times are hard. It can make you lose interest in things you once enjoyed. You can feel like isolating yourself and not wanting to be near others or not trusting others. But in these moments, you need to reach out and get the help you need. It’s important to realize what is happening to you and seek assistance. I am thankful to the people around me for supporting me and helping me through my sad season and time in life. I keep telling myself it won’t always be like this and that joy is coming soon.
What is something you do to help you feel better during a sad season?
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Whatever life takes you, just enjoy your life. Think positive and be positive.
–Always look to the rising sky
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Exactly how I feel these couple of months!
Thank you for sharing honestly. Agree it’s important to have a genuine support system. I appreciated reading your blog. ☺️
Pastor Natalie (ExamineThisMoment)
when im sad i like to listen to the rain~