I am honored to be nominated for the Aesthete blogger award by Helen from Crispy Confessions. Thank you so much for the nomination. Go check out her blog.


  • Use the official logo/graphic of the award and display it on your blog.
  • List the rules.
  • Show some love to the one who nominated you!
  • Mention the creator (Ashmita@ the Fictional Journal) and link it back to the original post.
  • Tell me a something about this world that you admire.
  • What is your favourite form of creativity?
  • Nominate 7 lovely people and notify them by commenting on their posts; spread some love!
  • Ask your nominees 4 questions.
  • Share something you created. (can be anything!)

Something I admire about the world

Personally, I admire ‘the hope’ I see in people. There are people I know that have gone though a lot in life and I admire their strength. They don’t give into doubt and fear. They hope for a better future. They are kind. Now the ‘fake’ kind (people who talk nice to you and then talk bad about you behind your back) but the ‘good’ kind. The kindness that we need to see more in this world.

What is your favorite form of creativity?

My favorite form of creativity is makeup. I love getting to try new makeup looks and be creative. I have all colors of lipstick and eyeshadows. My hair color is blue right now and I love matching my makeup and hair together.

Helen’s Questions to me

  1. What creative pursuit are you currently working on? How is that going?

I am currently hoping to one day write a book. I had started writing one year ago but never finished. I hope to finish it soon.

2. What is your favorite color and why?

I personally love the color yellow. I love how its bright and reminds me of the sun.

3. Do you have any special plans for the remainder of this year?

I hope to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with family.

4. What is your most recent blog post and your inspiration for writing it?

My most recent blog post is Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure at Epcot is Amazing. I recently was invited to preview the new ride at Epcot and I decided to write about my experience.

My nominations:

Ruthiee Loves Glamour

Examine This Moment


My Questions:

If you could Time Travel Would you?

What is your favorite Holiday?

What is your favorite meal?

Favorite Color?

Message me on Social media (@headphonesthoughts) (@headphonesTblog) and/or email me @

Whatever life takes you, just enjoy your life. Think positive and be positive.

–Always look to the rising sky

Read my quote or thought of the week series

Follow me on Social Media:

Instagram @headphonesthoughts

Twitter @headphonesTblog


Pinterest @headphonesthoughts

TikTok @headphonesthoughts

About the author

I hope you enjoy reading my blog and this journey through my headphonesthoughts each day.


  1. Congratulations on your award — it’s lovely to learn more about you! I agree wholeheartedly that people’s hope in the face of adversity or struggle is inspirational. I often think about friends and family that show kindness even when life has been so very hard; it moves me to be the same.

    Lovely post!

  2. Congrats! Great answers! I’m also hoping to write a book. I echo your sentiment-it can definitely be hard for me sometimes to keep and stick to a schedule with something like that! But if it’s something that is enjoyable then it definitely can be doable and worthwhile. You’ve got this!

  3. A “BIG” Congratulations! 🎉🎉
    So wonderful to read about this award and learn more about you. Thank you also for the nomination! Honored! 🥰

    Pastor Natalie

  4. Thank you so much for the nomination 😊 I’m the same way with makeup. It’s a wonderful way to express my creativity.

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