Encouraging Blogger Award 2021

I am honored to be nominated for the encouraging blogger award by Pastor Natalie from the blog Letstakeamoment.com. Letstakeamoment.com is all about inspiring others. Pastor Natalie’s blog encourages and empowers you to be the best version of you. Go check out and follow Letstakeamoment.com. The Encouraging Blogger Award was created by Lisa Mitchell of Fluxing Well with the ‘purpose to recognize bloggers who bring encouragement’ with their blogs.

The Rules

The Encouraging Blogger Award was created to recognize any blogger who encourages others with his or her posts. Bloggers may encourage others to travel, try new things, have a positive mindset, or overcome adversity, for example. An encouraging blog may encourage other bloggers or give business tips. Many blogs are encouraging and we don’t even realize it. Bloggers nominate fellow bloggers for this award, and nominees write a post answering a few questions. After that, the nominee nominates other bloggers.

  • When and why did you start blogging?

Blogging for me was first just a hobby to pass the time as I was job searching. Since then, starting to blog again, I have enjoyed it so much.

  • What is your blog about?

Headphonesthoughts is a journey into my thoughts and my personality. I blog about things I enjoy, and a variety of things in my life.

  • What is one piece of advice you would give to encourage new bloggers?

Connect with other bloggers. You will learn from them and they will help you so much.

  • Which is your favorite time-saving blogging tip or scheduling tool?

Create a blog schedule. This will help you with managing your time and keeping your blog constantly updated.

  • What are your future goals for your blog?

I had my first sponsored post this year. I am hoping for more opportunities to collaborate with other bloggers, brands, and companies.

I nominate…

Erin Westphal

Jamie Adams

Jeannie (therunningbaker24)

The Twinsight

Message me on Social media (@headphonesthoughts) (@headphonesTblog) and/or email me @ contact@headphonesthoughts.com

Whatever life takes you, just enjoy your life. Think positive and be positive.

–Always look to the rising sky

Read my quote or thought of the week series

Follow me on Social Media:

Instagram @headphonesthoughts

Twitter @headphonesTblog

Facebook www.facebook.com/headphonesthoughts

Pinterest @headphonesthoughts

TikTok @headphonesthoughts

About the author

I hope you enjoy reading my blog and this journey through my headphonesthoughts each day.


  1. Congratulations on your nomination! I agree my biggest support system has been all the wonderful bloggers I have come to know over the two years I have been blogging. It is so much fun to go to different threads and make new friends.

  2. Congratulations! Enjoyed getting to know more about you and it is great that what started as a pass time became something to reach and connect with others. Hope for even more great things for to come through your writing journey.

  3. Congratulations on being nominated for the Encouraging Blogger Award! That is such a sweet honor. I agree with you that one of the best things about blogging is making connections with other bloggers. I’ve met many new friends through blogging! It also feels really good to be able to share ideas with others on creative ways to catch up retirement savings, even after a late start.

  4. Congratulations! I did not know about this award so it was a nice think to know. I totally understand why you were nominated for this award. Keep up the good work! Kisses

  5. Congrats! I agree that the biggest piece of advice I’d give to someone is to connect with other bloggers – they’re the people who know what you’re doing and will be there to help you out

  6. Definitely well deserved! A “BIG” Congratulations to you and all the nominations. 🎉🎉😊

    Pastor Natalie

  7. Congratulations! It’s a well-deserved nomination. You keep it real, and that can be difficult as the need to produce content is consistent.

  8. Well done on the award! Great that you started your blog as a hobby and have kept it up! I’m similar. Although it can be stressful managing it all. I have to remind myself why I started it and how rewarding it can be

  9. Congratulations and thank you for letting me learn about you a little bit more!
    I love reading nominations and I am proud of every blogger doing a good job and making our world better 🙂

  10. Congratulations on being nominated!! I loved your advice, connecting with bloggers makes such a big difference when blogging and is a must. Loved reading your answers, its a great way to know the blogger behind the blog.

    Loren | plaidandsugar.com

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