Is Instagram and Pinterest Really Alike?

When I first started blogging last year one of the first tips, I learned from the blogging community was to use Pinterest. Now, I have never used Pinterest before. I was a little bit familiar with the platform but did not know really how to use the social media platform. On the other hand, I was way more familiar with Instagram. At the time Instagram was the favorite social media platform. Mostly due to the makeup and hair inspiration. I followed mostly beauty and fashion Instagram bloggers. Many of their looks inspired my own makeup style. From a few active Pinterest uses I spoke to they spoke about how Pinterest boards and pins inspired their own Kitchen designs, weddings, etc. When hearing about all of the wonderful things about Pinterest, it made me think. I thought to myself both social media platforms are pretty similar.

What makes them similar?

Well first they both center around Images. Images on social media are a powerful thing. Images can tell a thousand words. Instagram centers around images and its captions. Instagram recently started allow short videos on their platform called reels. The reels are pretty similar to Tiktok videos (which are 1-minute-long videos). On both Pinterest and Instagram, you can save your images in folders (Instagram) and Boards (Pinterest). This way users can return the images and videos they like. Pinterest also as short minute long videos.

 What makes them different?

Pinterest has something called Idea Pins. Where creators can create either short videos or images that tell a story. Which is different compared to Instagramโ€™s Story. Where uses can create short video and images that only stay on the Instagram story for about 24 hours. Yes, users can screen shot and save it themselves but compared to Pinterest Idea pins where the Idea pins stay forever unless a creator decides to delete it themselves. In addition, Pinterest is like a search engine where users go to find images, videos, websites, business, etc. I get monthly traffic to my blog through Pinterest. Compared to Instagram where maybe a I will get three people click my link in bio. Pinterest really connects people, where Instagram is more a showcase of art. In addition, Pinterest tries it best to be a positive platform, where I rarely see hate comments, bullying, and negativity. Compare to Instagram where uses can complain about the platform but most of the time Instagram rarely blocks, deletes, and removes negativity. Which is one of the few reasons I like Pinterest better.

Now, both platforms I like and I am active one. Both platforms I use to promote my blog and create original content for. I still go on Instagram for beauty and fashion inspiration. I use Pinterest mainly for my blog. Though I have to say, yes, they are similar but they do have differences.

What social media do you like better Pinterest or Instagram?

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Whatever life takes you, just enjoy your life. Think positive and be positive.

โ€“Always look to the rising sky

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About the author

I hope you enjoy reading my blog and this journey through my headphonesthoughts each day.


  1. I think both platforms have value depending on what you want to achieve and how much time you’re prepared to spend on them – interesting comparison ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Pinterest and Instagram are definitely nothing alike aside from the fact they both focus on imagery. Pinterest is a search engine for one and Instagram is a social media platform. I think they’re both fantastic platforms for growth though but growth in different areas x

  3. This is so interesting, I feel like they’re so different but interesting to see how they’re also similar!

    Katie |

  4. This was an interesting comparison! I think Pinterest has a really good potential to increase your blog traffic, but it’s just a matter of spending the time/effort to get to that point. I feel like it’s easier to get engagement on Instagram, but less likely to get blog traffic from it since people endlessly scroll and don’t click on anything. I’ve seen a lot of bloggers not use Instagram, but I don’t often see people not use Pinterest. There’s some food for thought!


  5. I think Pinterest is better for building a blog following since you can post direct links to blog posts. I know as a user I search for information on Pinterest, where Instagram I browse my feed more.

    I wish Instagram would let us put links in posts. I actually enjoy browsing instagram more because things because so many beautiful posts pop up

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