This summer, fellow bloggers from all over the world collaborated together to discuss our summer self care tips. I am honored to be included and invited to be apart of this collaboration. Thank you Caroline (Envirolineblog) and Allison (The Nutmeg Diaries) for organizing this collaboration. Please check out, read, and follow all the lovely fellow bloggers who collaborated together and shared their self care tips (located at the bottom).

It’s summer time! Each summer for me is time to relax, spend time with family, set goals for the second half of the year, and dwell on what has happened so far in this year.

For me self care is making sure I am okay. For me this could simply just be taking a nap.


Anyone that knows me personally, knows that I love taking naps. Yes, I take naps even when I am on vacation. Napping for me self care. I love getting to rest and take some time for myself.

Working Out

In 2020 during the Pandemic, I started working out and I must say I am quiet enjoying it. Workout is my time to just zone out and focus on me. I enjoy getting to step away from my busy life and just take some time for myself. Read my embarrassing story about working out – THINK BEFORE DOING.


Since I started blogging, I have been reading many fellow book bloggers blog post and it inspired me to stop reading again. Since, then I have started loving reading again. For me Reading is so much fun. I love getting to stop everything and read a chapter in the middle of the day. Read my blog post My Love for Reading.

Now take some time and read, follow, and check out all the awesome fellow bloggers in this collaboration:

Riyah Speaks


Sophia Patel

Simply Alex Jean

This Brits Life

More links from fellow bloggers coming soon…

What are your self care tips?

Message me on Social media (@headphonesthoughts) (@headphonesTblog) and/or email me @ contact@headphonesthoughts.com

Whatever life takes you, just enjoy your life. Think positive and be positive.

–Always look to the rising sky

Follow me on Social Media:

Instagram @headphonesthoughts

Twitter @headphonesTblog

Facebook www.facebook.com/headphonesthoughts

Pinterest @headphonesthoughts

TikTok @headphonesthoughts

About the author

I hope you enjoy reading my blog and this journey through my headphonesthoughts each day.


  1. Walking in nature and reading on my porch in the cooler times of the day are how I do some seasonal self-care — also eating fresh, seasonal fruits and veggies! This was a lovely reminder to take care of ourselves — always much needed. Thanks!

  2. I love that you included reading on your list!!! I added this to my self care routine three years ago and it’s paid dividends. As for napping, I wish I could do it. It just doesn’t seem to work for me, so instead I meditate in legs up the wall pose for 10 minutes. Great post!

  3. So glad we collaborated. Honestly, naps are my favorite for self care. Enjoyed reading your tips.
    Pastor Natalie

  4. I love naps, and I wish I could take them more often! There’s lots of research that shows they can be good for your brain if you time them right. I love reading, too.

  5. Napping is definitely one of my ultimate acts of self care! I love napping in the Summer because the heat makes me tired but also getting cozy with a hot water bottle in the winter, too.

  6. Hello! These are some great self-care tips, thanks for sharing! Napping is my favourite thing to do when I’m not feeling great, totally agree. Thanks for sharing! Alicia

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