Quote or Thought Of The Week

Here is my weekly quote or thought of the week:

What is a quote that inspires you? Why?

Message me on Social media (@headphonesthoughts) (@headphonesTblog) and/or email me @ contact@headphonesthoughts.com

Whatever life takes you, just enjoy your life. Think positive and be positive.

–Always look to the rising sky

Read my quote or thought of the week series

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About the author

I hope you enjoy reading my blog and this journey through my headphonesthoughts each day.


  1. The quote is great being very thought-provoking and reflecting our reality. Everything depends on each person’s perception whether it is easy or hard to be kind. Thanks for sharing it!

  2. This is very true, it says a lot when people find it to be hard a lot of the time. Being kind should be the one of the most natural things.

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