Quote or Thought Of The Week

Here is my weekly quote or thought of the week:

What is a quote that inspires you? Why?

Message me on Social media (@headphonesthoughts) (@headphonesTblog) and/or email me @ contact@headphonesthoughts.com

Whatever life takes you, just enjoy your life. Think positive and be positive.

–Always look to the rising sky

Read my quote or thought of the week series

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About the author

I hope you enjoy reading my blog and this journey through my headphonesthoughts each day.


  1. Do people still send traditional text messages? The sentiment of the TikTok quote is a nice idea though, I can’t remember the last time someone other than my partner reached out to me in such a way

  2. It’s so true that a random text can really make someone’s day. It shows they are thinking of you and I think that’s so sweet. A quote I’m loving atm is “you’ve survived 100% off your bad days”

  3. This is such a great quote. I also love the quote be yourself, as everyone else is taken. That really motivates me to discover more about myself.

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