Photo credit: Pixabay
Let’s face it, we all have been guilty of making comparisons. Whether it was a discussion about restaurants, places you have visited, relationships, etc.; comparing may not always be looked at as a negative thing, however it can become that if we are not careful.
Thank you HeadphonesThoughts for having me guest write and share on this topic of comparing. Now let’s take a moment to discuss, “Can Comparing Become an Unhealthy Habit?”
Tell me honestly, how often do you find yourself comparing things? Are you a critical person when it comes to making comparisons? Does comparing thrust you into wanting to compete and outdo someone else? Do you find yourself push away from something because you compared it to something or someone? These are real life questions that are necessary when it comes to this topic.
Comparing can become a very unhealthy habit if we are not careful. Perhaps you have compared people or places and now find yourself judging wronging about these things because your perspective is off. No matter what the case, you must acknowledge that when you compare, it is impacting your heart and life.
Photo credit: Pixabay

I understand that we each make comparisons on a daily basis, but it is when it becomes unhealthy that we must recognize and do something about it. To recognize the differences and similarities of things are good and necessary. There are moments that help us to differentiate between things. But tell me, have you chosen to see things through only a limited lens for various reasons? If so, why? Has your perspective become unhealthy? It is only when we acknowledge this for what it is can we work on changing our view point.
Let’s also discuss if comparing causes you to become jealous of others? Do you find yourself comparing everything based on what others have or are doing too? Do you feel you have to outdo someone or do you provoke others to feel this way?
This is a negative trait and unhealthy habit that may not only be impacting your life but the lives of others too. I encourage you to pay attention to this and become intentional to change this to maintain healthy relationships. Also, learn to encourage and inspire others . Celebrate the wins of others and don’t feel
less than. Don’t allow other’s to make you feel that way too. Pay attention to your heart and your emotions if you are feeling these things.
Allow yourself to see the similarities and differences in life but do not make this become an unhealthy habit. Be determined to see things for what they are in your life and the lives of others. When wanting to do more, remember it does not have to become a competition with someone. This is your life journey, stay the course and never quit because it is taking a long time to see results. Do not make everything a competition or a desire to want to outdo someone else. Determine to be true to who you are and where you are while making strides to keep growing and doing.
Thank you for taking moments with me. Share your story. Tell me your experiences with comparing. Have you seen it become an unhealthy habit? Do you recognize when others have done the same to you? Love hearing from you and again thank you Headphonesthoughts for allowing me to write this guest post for your audience.

Don’t let anyone or anything make you believe you are stuck.
There is always another way. Keep pressing on and find it.
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Thank you so much for having me share on this topic “Comparing” as a guest writer. ✍️😊
Pastor Natalie (ExamineThisMoment)