Thank you Helen, Crispy Confessions for sharing your favorite quote. Please check out and follow Crispy Confessions.
“Imagination is more important than knowledge” by Albert Einstein
It speaks to me in that its not what you know or how much you know. It’s how you use it that makes all the difference. School emphasize learning things but not so much how to use it. And I think that is a flaw in our educational system
What is your favorite quote? and Why is this your favorite quote?
Please email me at or DM your answers and I would be honored to feature your answers on my blog series, “Quotes That Speak to Us”
Whatever life takes you, just enjoy your life. Think positive and be positive.
–Always look to the rising sky

I love this interpretation of the quote! And Helen is an amazing blogger 🙂 I love following her!
Me too, Helen really is awesome.
Thank you so much for the feature!
This is such a great quote, and your reflection is so true.
Very interesting! I actually don’t have a favourite one or it like switches every month! xx